Hello there! This page is intended for anyone who is working to set up your institution's system to cooperate with ISORA-Lite. If you're just a regular person who got here by accident, please contact your Identity Provider admin and ask them to help set up this service.
Your institution's central login service should explain how to contact your IdP admin. When you contact them include a link to this page, which contains important information.
ISORA-Lite is an InCommon Federation member service, and is part of the REFEDS Research & Scholarship Category.
If you to become a member of REFEDS, your IdP will automatically release the attributes that ISORA-Lite's SP needs. The now-deprecated InCommon Research & Scholarship Category cannot be used. Your IdP must support the REFEDS R&S Category, labeled as http://refeds.org/category/research-and-scholarship.
If you are a member of the InCommon Federation, the ISORA-Lite SP requires you to release both of the following attributes:
  • eduPersonPrincipalName (urn:oid:
  • mail (urn:oid:0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.3)
In addition, the ISORA-Lite SP requires one of:
  • displayName (urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113730.3.1.241), or
  • givenName (urn:oid: and surname (urn:oid:
You can contact support@saltycloud.com for help with this process.